Youth Week

Celebrate Youth Week 2025 with a range of activities and opportunities to challenge yourself.
The 2025 Youth Week theme is “Courage: Stepping out of your comfort zone“.
Ages 12-17 only
These activities are free, but please ensure your attendance and participation as spaces are limited.
Riverbend Rock Challenge and the Exeter Youth Festival – Fri 11th April and Sat 12th April
Join the Youth Team on a bus and travel to both Launceston and Exeter for their respective youth events!
10 spaces available for each event
Fishing Challenge – Tues 15th April
The Fish Care Tasmania team will bring their fishing trailer to George Town for an opportunity to see who can catch the “BIG one!” We’ll be meeting at the York Cove pontoons on Elizabeth St, and be mentored by the pro’s with all the gear provided. If you have your own fishing equipment, feel free to bring it along. Snacks included!
20 spaces available
Hillwood Rock Climbing and Abseiling – Wed 16th April
Traversing the cliffs of Hillwood is no walk in the park. Supported by Ian Ferrier and his crew at Rock Climbing Tasmania, you will have the opportunity to go up and/or down the ‘Chessboard’ at Hillwood.
15 spaces available
Tippogoree Mountain Bike Riding – Thurs 17th April
Mentored and supported by experienced MTB riders from Shredly’s, along with the trail team at George Town Council, challenge yourself to the trails at Tippogoree Hills. Training begins at 1pm and shuttles from 3pm-5pm. If you require a mountain bike, please contact us asap.
15 spaces available
Youth Week at the Library – Mon 14th to Thurs 17th April
Kinimithatakinta George Town Library will be hosting a range of creative and fun activities for young people to participate in. Join in with what’s on offer at the Library!