About Our Futures
Our Futures is a collective impact, youth led project that is about increasing the visibility of young people, building their capacity and skills, whilst increasing their opportunities to engage in meaningful decision-making across the George Town Municipality.
Our Futures is funded through the 2021 Strategic Initiatives Grant from the Tasmanian Community Fund, with additional funding contributed by George Town Council. Jeder Institute has been engaged as project evaluators.
You can also visit Council’s Youth Policy at https://georgetown.tas.gov.au/policies/.
To report any safety concerns or if you or if you know that someone is at risk of abuse or harm, please see the list of below contacts for help. In an emergency or if someone is at immediate risk of harm, call 000 for the Police. If you need non-urgent Police Assistance, please call 131 444.
Local support
Strong Families, Safe Kids, Advice and Referral Line, phone 1800 000 123
Tasmanian Sexual Assault Support Line, phone 1800 697 877
Family Violence Counselling and Support Services, phone 1800 608 122
Support Information Strength – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander support, phone 1800 747 827
Lifeline, 24hr counselling, phone 131114
Kids Help Line, phone 1800 551 800
1800Respect, Domestic Violence support, phone 1800 737 732
Suicide Call Back Service, phone 1300 659 467
Our Futures 5 Phases
Engaging young people, building relationships, co-designing approaches.
Capacity Building.
Delivering workshops and building the skills of young people to be effective leaders.
Raising Youth Voices.
Collecting data, sense-making and sharing with the wider community.
Driving Change.
Young people leading the solutions and sharing decision-making power with the wider community.
Evaluate, reflect and refine to be the leaders that the rest of the state look to for inspiration.

how can I contribute?

become a Champion
A Champion is someone that provides advice, support and accountability to the delivery of the FIG “Our Futures” Youth project jointly funded by the TCF and Council. If you’re part of a local organisation, you may even partner with the project!
The Champions are there to provide support and assist with direction that helps achieve the milestones that are laid out in the Our Futures project plan.

partner with us
If you’re part of a local organisation, you may even partner with the project! With various program, events and opportunities in the calander, the team are often looking for collaboration with the local and broader community.
Some examples of collaboration include Youth Week events, providing resources for the Launchpad space, sponsoring new equipment for the Youth Impact Council, merchandise support, attending forums and events throughout the year.

tell our story
We’re passionate about telling the success stories of individuals as well as the bigger story of what’s happening here in George Town.
If you attend an event or program of ours, share it with others. If you see us on the socials, like and follow what we get up to. If people ask you about what’s happening in George Town, tell it with pride!

become a champion!