The Launchpad is currently operating as a youth space for the Our Futures Youth Project. The below project is currently in hiatus and pending further funding.

Launchpad is available to anyone living in the George Town municipality who needs a hand connecting with employment, education, training, and social opportunities.
Launchpad offers a dynamic communal space and personalised work-related support to assist you to achieve your goals.

Launch Into Employment Program
This program is designed to prepare and support you to launch into your career. You will gain a better understanding of yourself, your qualities, attributes and be assisted to develop your own Career Pathway Plan with SMART goals – setting yourself up for success! With ongoing one-on-one support also available with Launchpad beyond the program.
The program also facilitates connections with guest speakers from various services and employers, followed by site visits to local workplaces. Outcomes include employment, continuing onto further education/training, volunteering, and connections with community.

Launchpad Volunteers
Launchpad has a team of trained volunteers who are community members that have completed the Launch into Employment program. They value the opportunities and support they were provided and want to be able to offer this support to others – giving back to their community.

Personalised Work-Related Support
Our Community Engagement Team is available to walk alongside individuals as they seek opportunities in employment, education and training.

Dynamic Communal Space
The Launchpad communal space is available for use with for activities such as; employment, education, training and community projects, that builds a person’s capacity to find work.

Launchpad Video
Jobs Tasmania visited Launchpad and spent the day filming the various activity, including the Launch into Employment program graduation. They also interviewed participants and the Launchpad Executive Officer – Carmen Gumley. The short film showcases what Launchpad is about and shares the stories of the participants and why they believe the program is important and valuable for George Town: